Safety & Environment

Panablok benefits both Profitability and the Environment - Sustainability is a core element
in the Panablok package.

  • Quick and safe to build with less need for heavy machinery and mobile plant - improves construction site health & safety.

  • Panablok “dry fix” construction uses 90% less water than traditional brick and blockwork and means virtually no landfill requirements. Waste is kept to an absolute minimum.

  • Much lower weight and transport costs (1 truck of Panablok =‘s 8 trucks of block and insulation) means fewer deliveries, traffic disruption and pollution.

  • Panablok’s non bio-hazardous polyurethane core is made from sustainable biomass using inert blowing agents (CFC and HCFC free).

  • Panablok has a global warming potential rating of 4.08 which means low running costs, and an ozone depleting insulation rating of ZERO.

  • An independent Life Cycle Analysis of the carbon emissions of the Panablok panel’s MgO facing boards concluded that these were a low carbon product and best in class against other main board types such as MDF, Hardboard, OSB, Plywood and Plasterboard.